Ants At A Glance - By Shiju Sugunan

Here's a rant
About the tiny ant.

We see them parade in an orderly line,
A habit that sounds just fine.

Carrying weights heavier than them,
Showing us how hard work turns into beautiful gems.

They work as a team to get work done,
Making us believe that together we can even reach the sun.

The ants come out after a rain,
Teaching us survival and overcoming pain.

They're always fond of sugar and sweets,
Reminding us to cover food and be neat.

Sometimes they will give us a tiny prick,
Alerting us that violence is as bad as being sick.

Hard to believe this tiny creature
Is full of wisdom in miniature.


Introduction To The Poem

 The poem was written as an attempt to make the children to be observant of the nature around them and positively relate to the nature activities so that they can be a better person.



Poem Breakdown

Stanza 1

In this stanza, the person indicates what the poem is going to be. The persona uses rant which is ironic to what the poem is about.


Stanza 2

The poet stated that the ants march in an orderly line. The persona then adds that it is nothing out of the ordinary for the ants to march in an orderly manner


Stanza 3

The persona wanted to tell us that when you work really hard you get to reap great benefits from your efforts. People should not give up on what they are doing because we all have our ups and downs but what really matters is how we respond to them. Life is life, and because of a few bumps in the road, giving up on lifelong goals and ambitions should never be an option, no matter what.


Stanza 4

In stanza 4, the persona implies that for success and development, teamwork is important. As much as some people want to believe they can do it all alone, the fact is, they can't do it. Getting a good team of people around you not only help you remain balanced but also encourages you to think creatively, breaking boundaries with new ideas and, most importantly, providing you with a strong network of supports.

Stanza 5

It has been said that unless there has been some kind of misery and pain, life can never be carried out and fully lived to its fullest. We ought to learn from mistakes and a challenging past will only result in a better present.


 Stanza 6

The poet states that ants generally like sweet things. Therefore, the poet reminds us to cover our food to avoid our food from becoming ant-infested. The persona also reminds the reader to always be aware.


Stanza 7

The persona states that sometimes something that hurt us can be turned into a reminder or a lesson. The persona believes that suffering makes us stronger. It strengthens our strength and makes us stronger emotionally. We feel helpless and fragile with little self-worth during difficult times but when we work through those tough times it makes us ready for the next fight in our lives.


Stanza 8

The persona states that it is very unbelievable how creatures like ants can be very intelligent. Some ascribe their capabilities to the hive or colony because of the extraordinary intellect of insects with tiny brains, such as ants. Indeed, there is growing evidence that individual ants, are very intelligent, allowing the colony to function intelligently.


The poem consists of eight stanzas with two lines with the 'aa' rhyme scheme. 


Diligent and hardworking

Ants show us the importance of hard work. Laziness just helps one to procrastinate and linger in a state of scarcity and apathy. The Ants are never slow! They are neither bad nor hungry! They are supported by their efforts and hard labour! Our lives would be mentally, spiritually and financially enriched if we strive to be obedient and work hard!

Teamwork and unity

Ants understand that by working together, they can achieve more than by working alone. They set goals and work toward achieving them together.


The only secret to achieve our goals is hard work; it teaches us discipline, commitment and determination. Hard work is undoubtedly more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve our life's goals.










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