

  INTRODUCTION The Definition Of  Children's Literary Works  Children’s literature refers to the body of written works and accompanying illustrations produced in order to entertain or instruct young people. The genre  encompasses  a wide range of works, including acknowledged classics of world literature , picture books, poems and easy-to-read stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fables, folk songs, and other primarily orally transmitted materials.   The History Of  Children's Literary Works  Early kids' writing comprised of spoken stories, tunes, and sonnets, used to teach, train, and engage kids. It was uniquely in the eighteenth century, with the advancement of the idea of youth, that a different sort of kids' writing started to rise, with its own divisions, desires, and ordinance. The earliest of these books were instructive books, books on lead, and basic ABCs—regularly designed with creatures, plants, and human letters.


  PURE IMAGINATION - ROALD DAHL Come with me and you’ll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you’ll see Into your imagination   We’ll begin with a spin Trav’ling in the world of my creation What we’ll see will defy Explanation   {Refrain}   If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world, there’s nothing to it   There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination Living there, you’ll be free If you truly wish to be   {Refrain}   There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination Living there, you’ll be free If you truly wish to be   Theme: Children are encouraged to dream in the `world of pure imagination’ that Roald Dahl mentioned in the poem. Child are asked to imagine things out of their mind to ensure they have new sort of idea whether it is flying without wings, or being in the space without spacesuit.    Stanza Analysis Come wi


                                    Ants At A Glance -  By Shiju Sugunan Here's a rant About the tiny ant. We see them parade in an orderly line, A habit that sounds just fine. Carrying weights heavier than them, Showing us how hard work turns into beautiful gems. They work as a team to get work done, Making us believe that together we can even reach the sun. The ants come out after a rain, Teaching us survival and overcoming pain. They're always fond of sugar and sweets, Reminding us to cover food and be neat. Sometimes they will give us a tiny prick, Alerting us that violence is as bad as being sick. Hard to believe this tiny creature Is full of wisdom in miniature.   Introduction To The Poem   The poem was written as an attempt to make the children to be observant of the nature around them and positively relate to the nature activities so that they can be a better person.     Poem Breakdown Stanza 1 In this stanza, the person indica


 THE DOLLY -  JEANETTE CHEAL The dolly sat upon the shelf in the toy maker's shop all by herself. The dolly only had one eye, so all the children passed her by. They scoffed at the dolly; they weren't very kind Then a child came in with a dolly in mind. Her mother led her around the shop. At the shelf with the dolly her mother did stop. The child reached out and felt for the dolly. The toy maker shouted, "Dear child, I'm so sorry, this dolly is blind; she only has one eye. I've a dolly right here you might like to buy." "No, this is the one," the child said to her mother. "If I can't have her, I don't want any other." So off dolly went with the child who was kind, and just like the dolly, this child was blind. THE SUMMARY: In the toy maker’s shop, there lived a doll who only had one eye. Alone, it sat on the shelf. Children who entered the shop will walk past it. They were not very nice and looked down on the doll; they mocked and s


                                           NEWS BREAK by MAX FATCHEN Now why so loving, darling,   And why the sudden kiss?  You’d help me with some little jobs?   For goodness sake, what’s this?    Your face is clean for once, dear,  Your clothes without a crease.  You saved your luncheon money?  Will wonders never cease?    No dropping of your school books,   No shrieking, childish treble.  Today you are a lamb, love,   Where yesterday a rebel.    But surely you’re some stranger,  No rage or hullabaloo.   Come closer, let me look, dear,  Can this be REALLY you?    Now were you struck by lightning  Or were you stunned at sport?  Ah … now I see the reason.  You’ve brought your school report!  Structure: The poem consists of 5 stanzas with four lines and the rhyme scheme is ‘a, b, c, b’.  The style is simple and direct. The language and choice of words used is easy to understand as we can relate it to what a child does. Tone: Surprised. The persona is astonished by the child’s behaviour


. I F I WERE IN CHARGE  OF THE WORLD –  JUDITH VIORST If I were in charge of the world I’d cancel oatmeal, Monday mornings, Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg. If I were in charge of the world There’d be brighter nights lights, Healthier hamsters, and Basketball baskets forty eight inches lower   If I were in charge of the world You wouldn’t have lonely. You wouldn’t have clean. You wouldn’t have bedtimes. Or “Don’t punch your sister.” You wouldn’t even have sisters.   If I were in charge of the world A chocolate sundae with whipped cream and nuts would be a vegetable All 007 movies would be G, And a person who sometimes forgot to brush, And sometimes forgot to flush, Would still be allowed to be In charge of the world The Mastermind Behind The Poem: (I am sure everyone is wondering who is the creator of this lovely poem. Well, you don't have to wait no more. Drumroll, please.) The sweet lady in the picture is Judith Viorst, the poe